Mo Money Mo Problems

Day 55

The post below is from an email sent to my friends on July 11, 2013 with an update on my 55th day in Singapore…

As I await the results of my 0002 interviews I find myself searching for inspiration to continue this perilous fight ahead.

They say be careful what you wish for as you just may get it… And that I did, as this inspiration seemed to appear out of thin air. This inspiration found while looking back in time to the first thing that not only gave me inspiration, but also increased my imagination and dreaming levels to what they are today.

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That thing….

Yes, some of you may have guessed it…


Yes thats right! I happened to receive an email about Las Vegas and after a link to a webpage, and another link, and another link I was at a video performance by my all time favorite magician David Copperfield! Who, I found out has recently bought his own resort island Musha Cay… Man, what a guy! Perfect guy to pick as a role model growing up!

Anyways, this youtube video sent me through a trap door into my past. I spent the last few days watching old performances from my favorites… D.C., Lance Burton, Penn and Teller, Doug Henning, Jeff McBride, etc. This of course got me to pick up the deck of cards again and start doing some false cuts and sleight of hand. I even did some research and found out how magicians change a 1 dollar bill into a 100 dollar bill hoping that I could extend my stay here a little longer… Unfortunately, like the real world, you have to have the money to make the money! Nonetheless, my magic past has given me clear sight into my future and no smoke or mirrors can hide the fact that I will soon be broke.

So as another weeks end is in sight and my deadline down to 35 days I ask you this… They say “mo money mo problems”. Well if thats the case does that mean “no money no problems”? I will soon find out!

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