Journey’s End: Expiration Day!

Day 90

When this all started back on day 1 (May 18th) I was given a 90 day tourist pass upon entering Singapore.  That tourist pass expires today.  90 days to get a job and extend my stay in Singapore.  Well today is day 90 and I still do not have a job, however I am still in Singapore!  As one of my mom’s favorite quotes goes “we plan, god laughs”.  That does seem to be the truth… whoever that god may be.

I knew when I first moved here anything could happen and that’s why I had a backup plan.  Plan B was to allow myself a little extra time to accomplish my goal before aborting my stay here in Singapore.  I set my plan B into action when I took my trip to Indonesia back in July.  On my return from Indonesia I was granted another 90 day tourist pass in Singapore.  This moved my deadline to the middle of October, which I will never make it too unless I find a job.  After all, I can only stay so long with my limited funds. Unless of course I find the tree where the money grows.  One of these days I am sure to find it!  Or am I?  Anyways, I am on my last stand here in Singapore.  One way or the other the end is in sight.  While the end is near, I take a look back at this journey.  Anyone who read my full post yesterday may have already read this, but I think it is important to post again.

There were several themes to the Singapore National Day Parade I watched live last Friday (Day 84).  While writing the article on NDP 2013 I wanted to conclude by telling my story of my experience in Singapore.  I wanted to use the nine themes of the show portion of NDP.  The nine themes were play, build, re-invent, express, represent, aspire, embrace, love and party.  This is what I came up with:

On my first visit to Singapore I was able to play hard.  I met new friends and exchanged stories from each other’s past.  Since that point I was able to build up the courage to leave my friends and family behind for the potential opportunities here.  Re-inventing my initial job hunt strategy so I could finally get job interviews.  Expressing myself though this very blog.  All while representing the true values I believe in.  From this point forward Singapore has taught me to keep aspiring for greatness.  Embrace the challenges ahead and seize every moment I have.  Also, not to forget about the love I have for my friends and family back home who have got me to this point and have been there for me when I have been down.  Victory has not yet been obtained, but I am not giving up yet and I am looking forward to the party once I get there!

When I typed that yesterday I was referring to victory as obtaining a job.  The more and more I thought about it though it appears obtaining a job is not the real moment of victory.   It took me less then five minutes to come up with sentences for all of those words.  It was easy!  I could have written five more paragraphs on the accomplishments and positive experiences I have had in Singapore if I had five more minutes.  That being said I have realized that the real moment of victory is today!  Many doubted I would make it this far.  Even I, at times, wondered.  But the fact that I made it to day 90 and will proceed on to day 91 tomorrow means something.  The positive experiences I have gained in these 90 days are more then most will gain in a year.  Today is a day to celebrate!

It is now time to see this journey through to its end.  Whether these last few weeks lead to a job or not.  It is time to prepare for my next journey.  Whether it be continuing my career in Singapore, moving back to the U.S. and picking up the job hunt there, or something completely different.  It is time to move onward!  After all… I am a fearless dreamer and fate loves the fearless!

1 Comment

  • Shari says:

    Just want to encourage you to journey on. Since you like quotes, John Lennon said, “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.”

    I am in similar place. The journey can be exalted though the funds limited. What’s a ‘job’ anyways. Good luck

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