Operation Vital Dawn *Update*

Mission Briefing:

Earlier this week I received intel that in order to obtain a work pass in Singapore I may need my original degree and diploma.  This was unfortunate news as these documents are back in the United States of America.  It appeared I would have to have them mailed here via multiple postal services.  Documents so crucial to my success, in the hands of people who have no loyalty to my cause.  What was I to do?

I had to enact Operation Vital Dawn.  A three-day mission to secure the documents in question, extract them from the U.S.A., and safe-guard their journey to Singapore.  Once in Singapore a rendezvous will be arranged for me to collect the documents.  The two people on the ground who will be in charge of this mission will be Person X and the co-host of my radio show, Dan.

Status: Underway

Dan’s objectives were to retrieve the documents and hand them off to Person X at the extraction point.  I received an email from him a short time ago with a status update…

The weight I bore has now been lifted.  The torch I carried has now been passed.  The defining action of securing and transiting those all-substantiating documents has been done.  But it continues…  It is now the responsibility of the dignitary to hold and to carry those papyrus scrolls with the markings of electric ink, which read the scores of an impossible brain.   May he not fail, may any obstacle be approached in correct measure-diplomatic or extreme.  We have somehow found our way involved in the running of a sheet of paper that may shape the future of a native Greenport/Hudson person.  His goals are great, his pressures are grave, and his enemies (those who want to see him fail, like the boat people and people like that) are staunch against him.  We, however, will do whatever we can to pave the way for his journey to succeed.  The journeymen and the characters herein, are darting down the daring tracks of adventure.  Godspeed!

The fate of the mission now lies with Person X.  His objectives are to extract and safe-guard the package while in-transit over no man’s land.

**Update – 7/29/2013, 4AM SGT**

I have received the vital documents at the rendezvous point.  With two hours left until dawn I can declare the mission accomplished.  My fate is now in the hands of the Ministry of Manpower.  Wish me luck!

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